Thursday, April 5, 2007 Sucks

Something that has always bothered me about is this: notice how many of their stories are in VIDEO ONLY format.

Why do they find it necessary to include video only stories on their web page? I understand most individuals like media content like this, but to make half of your stories video only and not include a written story is very annoying. It's not that I can't easily open up a video and watch the story on my computer, but I'm forced to watch a 30 second commercial before it?! Fuck that.

It's a waste of time and to be honest, I have no idea why I periodically go there. I've been weening myself off biased news sites for some time anyway, but every now and then they suck me back in.

Thank God for Google news and A few months ago I would have also been grateful for but it too has gone to shit for a whole other reason. (Fascists assholes!)

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