Friday, January 26, 2007

Windows Vista?

Microsoft's Vista chief Jim Allchin:

"I would buy a Mac today if I was not working at Microsoft. The company has lost sight of what matters to our customers." (he's leaving at the end of the month)

That said, I think I'll just stick with Linux.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage

Leave it to Republicans to speak for low-wage workers arguing against an increase in the federal minimum-wage. Instead of wallowing over their party’s loss of power in the U.S. House, (which by the way is the single best thing to happen to this country in 6 years), they should focus more on speaking to those whom their arguments most affect – the low-wage worker.

Raising the minimum wage is not an end-all solution; it is neither a blow to our economy as some would lead you to believe. Some have argued that a minimum wage increase would lead to layoffs and hurt small businesses because owners will not pay low-skilled workers $7.25 an hour. After the federal minimum wage increase in 1996-97, a study by the Economic Policy Institute failed to find “systematic or significant” job loss resulting from the increase. Instead, low-wage workers experienced growth in both employment and earnings opportunities, as was evidenced by lowered unemployment and poverty rates, increased family income and increased average hourly wages. Others argue that increasing the minimum wage will also increase prices for the consumer. This is true, although any price increase on goods will be modest. The same increase, however, will lead to more purchasing power for the low-wage worker who will buy many of the same goods which increase in price. The myth that most minimum wage workers are teenagers is also a misconception. In fact, according to the Economic Policy Institute, 80% of workers whose wage would increase to $7.25 are adults (20 years and older). When all is said and done, four Nobel-prize winning economists (plus 558 other economists) agree that raising the federal minimum-wage is needed.

It is irresponsible to perpetuate myths which simply are unfounded and unsupported by research. Republicans need to stop with the partisan bias and focus on speaking the truth.

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Greatest Story Ever Denied

The Battle of L.A.

Ever heard of it?

If you're not familiar with what I'm taking about, you're not alone. On Wednesday, February 25, 1942 a barrage of fire rang over Los Angeles County cities such as Culver and Santa Monica. It was approximately 2:25 A.M. when a blackout rolled over Los Angeles County and air-raid sirens awoke about a million people. At 3:36 A.M., Army anti-aircraft batteries began firing nearly 2,000 rounds of 12 pound, high explosive shells into the air at a cigar-shaped object. The barrage lasted for one hour. Many witnesses reported shells hitting it the object directly, but it appeared to sustain no damage. The craft moved slowly like a blimp, taking 30 minutes to move just 20 miles. The object (it was estimated) received 1430 rounds, yet no aircraft was ever shot down. Many believed it was the Japanese, and rightfully so with war raging in Europe and Asia. The military claimed "false alarm" and said there was never any object. (And I always wanted to say this...) THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS!?

(Actual pictures of said incident. Looks like something to me! The original print has been analyzed thoroughly and there is a great description of the process here:

The first picture below is the Original LA Times Negative. The photo shows Army searchlights illuminating the object. Photo analysis has proven its authenticity. The searchlights have also been analyzed and it is clear that they are indeed hitting the object. That is, if the object was some type of crazy illusion, the searchlights would have gone right through the object. However, the searchlights are clearly converging on something.

This if from LA Times Microfilm


I know everything isn't exactly readable, but here are some LA Times articles following the barrage.

There's so much more to the story and I will definitely share it sometime. When it's not 1am. For now, google your hearts away if you want more info OR just sit back and watch the video below. I know it's long but at around 6 minutes, it speaks about the Battle. Remember, not all of it is about the LA incident, but nontheless, a GREAT documentary bringing together some of the very best issues regarding ufos and extraterrestrials.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Pearl Harbor; We knew about this one too!

Quick stats on Pearl Harbor:
- Pearl Harbor attacked Sunday, December 7, 1941
- Two waves of attacks: 7:49 A.M. and 9:00 A.M.
- First wave included 183 Japanese dive- and torpedo-bombers with zero escorts
- Second wave included an additional 168 Japanese planes.
- 18 operational warships sunk, including four battleships, sunk or damaged
- 188 aircraft destroyed
- 2,403 Americans killed (68 of them civilians)
- 1,178 Americans wounded

Many Americans are unaware that evidence regarding Pearl Harbor points to our government being fully aware of the attacks that were to take place on December 7, 1941. Much like the assassination of JFK and 9/11, "conspiracy theorists" (although in this case, the people uncovering the truth were less 'theorists' and more 'realists') have accumulated a wealth of evidence to support such a claim.

During that time, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was in a bind. An overwhelming 80% of Americans were opposed to entering WWII as an active participant. After Pearl Harbor, things quickly changed and Roosevelt gained wide support from Congress to declare war on Japan. Much like the aftermath of 9/11, however, questions around the attack immediately surfaced.

Why was America attacked? Was it avoidable? Were the Japanese going to attack again? Why didn't our readily available Army and Navy commanders (Admiral Husband E. Kimmel and General Walter Short) fumble in their job to protect one of America's most important naval bases? ...and of course, WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE?

Roosevelt was all too aware of the questions surrounding the attack and quickly summoned up a special commission to investigate. Big surprise! (Side note: The trend of creating "special commissions" didn't begin here, but has come to be -just what you do- after shit hits the fan or to distract the public from the real issue - see Pearl Harbor, JFK, Watergate, Clinton-Lewinsky, 9/11, steroids and baseball...hell even the Bowl Championship Series gets a special commission in Washington! The sad thing is these commissions wouldn't happen if the average American was smarter than our President and recognized them as what they are - smoke and mirrors. Again, I digress! Back to the topic.) Anyway the chair of this commission was Associate Supreme Court Justice Owen J. Roberts. The interesting thing about this man is that he was the leading advocate of the Committee to Aid America by Aiding the Allies. It's a no-brainer what happened next. The commission absolved any high ranking political and military members, except for two - Admiral Kimmel and General Short! Suffice to say, they were blamed for being unprepared, removed from their positions and demoted. It's amazing the MacGyver-ish things you can do with smoke and mirrors, eh?

Back to the topic at hand. It's widely known now that the U.S. had some vital information regarding an imminent attack on Pearl Harbor. However, this information was not passed on to the Naval and Army commanders. The blunder of Pearl Harbor was originally blamed on political mismanagement of critical intelligence information.

This of course doesn't explain why we did nothing to prevent Pearl Harbor, even in the face of intercepted Japanese messages (which were received in Washington as early as Dec 4th indicating failing relations and irreversible action against U.S. interests). The message in question is referred to the EAST WIND RAIN message, which Roosevelt and his cronies denied ever receiving. Chief Warrant Officer Ralph T. Briggs who was working at the Cheltenham, Maryland intercept station in late 1941 however, testified that he received the message, and Navy memoirs indicated that the message had even been received prior to him getting it. This testimony was backed up by a man named Captain Laurence Safford.

Whether or not our govt. knew exactly where Japan was going to attack remains unclear. But what is clear is that: there was no real urgency to alert the commanders at Pearl Harbor, our government did in fact know of an impending attack, our govt. knew who would attack us, and they very well knew where we'd be attacked (EAST! WIND! RAIN!). So Roosevelt and his buddies sat and waited for the attack and quickly used it as an excuse to go to war with Japan.

God, does history repeat itself or what?!

I'll write a little more about this later, but alas, it's time for me to leave work. :) For more info, GOOGLE it!

With an Open Mind

The Bigot Within

I swore I wouldn't have a "blog" unless I had something of relevance to speak of... Needless to say, I gave in and decided to create a blog. As of now, I have no particular focus in mind. I could go anywhere with this; from posting porn vids, berating individuals, to writing about my ever-so interesting life. (I'm kidding, of course. As evidenced by the many youtubers who come up with some of the most original ideas for video blogs, many of which make me feel so ordinary.) I even thought about focusing primarily on political ramblings and going-ons but to be honest, politics can become so redundant and upsetting that I find myself ignoring it more than actively participating in discussions about it. I mean, I get it: impeach Bush, kill Bush, Cheney's the devil, the war is illegal and yes, 9/11 was an inside job. I will touch on these subjects more eventually because it's part of whats going on in the world. That said, I think we all need to step away at times from the negative onslaught of news and have a laugh or two.

In thinking about it a bit more, I realize I often come across things (videos, quotes, book excerpts, other blog postings, etc) which tickle me silly. In other words, I often come across things that infuriate me. They usually involve peoples' close-mindedness. From far right, to far left, to right up the middle, individuals can argue to the death about things they are passionate about. Unfortunately, many (including those who have great arguments for certain issues) refuse to listen to, or even acknowledge any other view with an open-mind. I for one am all about spreading truth and revealing pseudo-truths and flat out lies. However, we must do this together, respecting each other, listening to each other and learning from one another.

I'm definitely not blind to the fact that I sometimes do the exact same things I condemn. However, I'm very aware when I do refuse to listen to the other side of an issue. Typically, that happens when I know I'm wrong and my pride has been damaged. What can I say, I can be a stubborn son-of-a bitch. It's a natural protective response for me. But I believe it's something we all do at some point, whether we admit it or not. Maybe all of this is just an excuse that I, along with many others use to detract from the fact that we sometimes are in fact what we abhor, close-minded bigots. Maybe that's going to far, but I digress.

So I leave this post with an open-mind and a promise to only include whatever may move your minds, hearts and souls. If it leads you to action, makes you love me or hate me, makes you rethink your position or adds a bit of doubt to your beliefs, I've done my job.